Monday, October 20, 2008

No Debate Necessary

I'm writing again, and Libby wants all of the readers to know she isn't dead. She's working hard and has 2 canker sores because of stress.

Now, onto what I want to talk about...
The election is coming up and I'm still stuck! I read about our candidates and take quizzes to see who I agree with more and who I believe would be the best to run our country. I've realized (maybe just cuz I'm older and don't have a lot of experience) but this seems to be the most debated election process ever! There are pros and cons to both parties. But what gets me is the people that get angry with each other. I am pretty sure who I'm voting for, but I know once I say it, it will open up debate. I'm getting sick of this. We can debate until we're blue in the face, but where does it get us?

I miss Mike Huckabee. He was the man and I was pretty pumped to think he would be our next president. But as I was reading a friend of mine's blog tonight about the election and watching people comment back and forth on it, I thought about Huckabee and why I liked him (the fact that he would speak about his faith and was not ashamed...all that jive). I know I want a God-fearing man to run our country, but from the looks of it, that's not going to happen.

We have the right to vote for the person running our country and we should be thankful for that. Too many people just don't vote because they think whoever wins is the person that is supposed to win. But instead of debating who should be in the office, do we ever step back and put God back into the picture? When Huckabee was running, I thought a lot about God's plan for our country. Now that we have these 2 guys running, we overlook God. Do you ever picture God up there waving his arms saying, "HELLO!! I'm still here! Don't forget about me because I have NOT forgotten about you!!" So why not be praying for our next elected official instead of debating who it should be. Sure, we all have our view and we're all different. Most people can't seem to agree to disagree...everything turns to debate. How about you take a moment to pray about this election - what would happen then? Do we even pray for the people running our country? I don't want to get back into my prayer topic - but I don't want to overlook the fact that God is not out of this country. This country was founded by a group of Christian men built on Christian principles. Then enemy has been crafty at trying to get God out of this country, let's join forces (like on captain planet! haha) and come together as believers and PRAY FOR OUR COUNTRY!! God has not left us, no politicians can take God out of our country. There is always a war going on, and we've watched the enemy slowly take hold over the years. Join me in these next few weeks to pray for this election. We are one nation UNDER GOD - never forget it.


crossn81 said...

Well said and very insightful. I'm getting a little tired of the very heated back and forth. We each have to come to a decision that we personally feel comfortable with and ultimately God's will, will reign.

Thanks for the reminder to pray for our leaders!

larryboy said...

I Ditto the comment of crossn81!! 1 Corinthians 1:1-31 speaks clearly to this. Also a review of the history of Israel, is in order,... 2 Chronicles 7:14. Keep on Gabe, I am proud of you!!