Wednesday, November 5, 2008

God on his throne

So the election is finally let's see how long people keep arguing about it. It's funny though, I paid 1.95 for gas yesterday, Bush's economics must be so bad! Atleast the ignorant people think he's bad, whatever. I've learned a lot over the past several months from people - myself included. That people are uneducated about their decisions on things and people look to politicians to save them. I heard a friend of mine talking about Obama and why he has such a following- it's because of his passion! People want a leader with passion!! But where is your passion? So many people got into this election, which they should have, but how come that passion never bleeds over to any other areas of your life? I listened to someone in my life rant and rave about Obama and how great this "change" is going to be...but in all the years I've known him, I've never heard passion about his relationship with God. Not saying it's non-existent, but how come that is something we never get passionate about?

I am leading worship this sunday for our youth service (which I've never done!) and as I was practicing, I kinda had a break down. The song by Shane and Shane called "You Said" came into my head and I lost it. As the angels sing "HOLY HOLY HOLY, is the Lord God almighty...." I found myself crying that out. As God shows Himself to Moses, He says, "this is HOLY GROUND!" - "Where I am, where I go IS HOLY!" The angels have passion as they sing. I had passion today for my God. But why is that passion lost? Why is there only passion during crap like this election?

I work with a guy, Phil. If you want passion, talk to Phil. His heart for God, for others, for serving...defines passion to me. I love to just be with him and his wife with Libby and just talk to them both. The passion just pours out of their hearts and it doesn't come once every 4 years. When you have caught a glimpse of God, the passion will burn from within.

Where is your passion? Can people even see the heart of God in your life? I pray they can! I pray my life exemplifies God in all I do. That when I am gone and leave this place, people won't remember me for supporting McCain, but for being a man after God's heart, a man with passion for His kingdom.

As this new guy comes and takes over our country and leads us into "change" (socialism is change! ha) - Remember, God still sits on His throne. No one shall overtake Him, He still rules. I have to find my peace in that. To be honest, it's a struggle for me right now. Sometimes it feels like God is distant for me...but daily, I'm trying to humble myself, to surrender my ways, and to catch that glimpse of renew my passion for Him, daily.

Check out my brother's blog "Joe and Natalie". It helps put things in perspective, atleast for me. Talking about the refugees in South Africa and what they are going through, while us pathetic Americans sit and complain about elections and we argue and bicker over stupid stuff which causes division among the people. When we should come together for a great purpose and attempt to accomplish something worth talking about! I wrote a note on being the hands and feet of God...I'll post that on here sometime. But anyway, I'm proud of you Joe. I appreciate you helping keep things in perspective for me.

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